It happened again in class. While sharing my insights on a
particular subject, I spontaneously began by saying:
“Ask yourself this question”
I believe in the power of a good question. Questions find
their way into my journal, class notes, and my interactions
with people.
Any one answer to any one of the nineteen questions below
could make a positive impact on your life.
Did you get that? No hype.
No outrageous claims, no related tapes to purchase, and no
guarantees about changing your life forever.
The potential for meaningful change does lie before you *in
the form of your own seriously considered answer* to a
selected question.
Pay attention to your initial feelings about an inquiry you
Should you notice a “first impression answer” that ushers in
a sense of excitement, challenge — or a deep sense of “I
should do this” — be sure to slow down your internal speed
of life and park there a moment or two.
Remember: repeating a question over and over sets in motion
an on-going search to discover *just the right answer for
Consider recording your thoughts in a journal.
Enjoy the process!
1. What one small thing — repeat — “small thing” — is
holding me back from doing my best today?
2. What *one* small thing is hindering me from becoming the
person I be could be today in *one* area of my life?
3. What action could I take today to brighten someone’s
*And here’s the key: simple, doable, and even fun!
4. How can I double my value as a ___________ this year?
*As a… husband, father, employee, friend, etc.
*Suggestion: ask this question many, many times.
5. Where should I influence my world in a positive way?
6. Are negative thinking patterns eating away my potential
in any area of my life — no matter how small?
7. Am I saying “I can’t” when I should be saying “I can”
or “I must!” anywhere in my life?
8. My greatest area of tension at work or home right now is
________. How could I improve just 10% in this area?
9. What positive discipline have I let slip lately? What
price am I paying for this slip?
10. Where can I, or should I, make a positive difference?
11. If I took a thirty second “happy memory break” right
now, what would I remember?
13. How can I schedule a small break in my life — just
enough to be refreshed and recharged a bit?
14. What untapped potential could I bring to my world?
15. Am I learning what I need to learn?
16. Are my associations making me or breaking me?
17. Who is challenging me or inspiring me right now?
Who could?
18. Should I procrastinate on anything, or set aside
anything, that is not important for what is *most* important?
19. Is there anything I should *stop* doing?
Lee Wise – Lee is a writer, Online Marketer and Life Coach. With a passion for on purpose living and making a positive impact in the world, he …