Healthy living is no mystery. Doctors have tried to make disease a mysterious world full of long and technical words. The truth is disease is simply the absence of health.
Good health requires some basic fundamentals, much the same as a car needs oil, water, petrol and a good battery. As a living organism we have different requirements and are more complex, but it is still no mystery.
So what are these basics to life?
1) Good Food
This should come as no surprise. What we put in is what we get out. Nutritionists have argued for years over exact levels of certain nutrients, they have yet to agree on much (despite all the recommended quantities on packaged foods, which is little more than guess work).
The good news is you don’t need to worry too much. Different cultures around the world have had dramatically different diets and lived very well on them. Some are very high in fat, others high in proteins. All have very different levels of micro nutrients.
The one thing in common is all were un-processed foods – they were natural. Fresh fruits, vegetables and even organic dairy and meat have all been eaten and part of a healthy life style by cultures around the world for centuries.
2) Plenty of Water
Water should be fresh clean water. Not mixed with chemicals to makes colas or sodas.
You may have heard it said we need 8 glasses a day. Truth is no one knows for sure. However one thing that is for certain is most people don’t drink enough. Often people mistake thirst for hunger and substitute water consumption with food. If they do drink it is rarely water.
You would not feed your plants coke, they need water. So do you.
3) Sunshine
The sun has had a lot of bad press in recent years. Truth is we need it. Plants die without sunlight, so do we.
The quality of our health and our sleep depend on the pineal gland which is stimulated by natural sunshine. Yes, we even need the UV spectrum. Filtering it all out can be detrimental to our health as much as over exposure can be.
4) Exercise
The body needs to move. Blood is pumped around the body whenever we exercise delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to all the cells.
It is not just the blood that is pumped during exercise. The lymph which contains much of the bodies waste requires muscular contraction to pump it out of the body. Without movement we can start to suffer from toxic build up and intercellular fluid build up (resulting in unwanted weight gain).
5) Air
Life is over quickly if our supply of fresh air is cut off. However the effects of poor air quality or poor breathing are a lot slower taking effect, and harder to identify.
Every cell in the body needs oxygen. If you do not breathe properly then you can start suffering from the effect tiredness, poor concentration and even anxiety.
Learn to take deep breathes regularly. This will help your elimination system, re-energise you and help relax you reducing stress and tension.
Paula Owen – Leon Jay is the Author of EFT Therapy – a huge resource of valuable information & downloads. He is passionate about EFT! This tool has …