I’m sitting here on my home PC (usually do work stuff from work so its a bit unusual…) but I’m just off the phone from my wife (who is in Spain, I’m heading over there on Saturday ) and I wanted to get this message out to my subscribers.

After the phone call, I realized that I was doing good in part 2 of my success Life Formula. Sometimes when you are apart from your loved one, it does make the heart grow fonder. For those of ye guys that don’t know, I’m Irish and my wife is Spanish. My son Adrian (17 months) was born in Spain back in August 2007. They are in Spain at the moment because Adrian is receiving his vaccinations so I miss them dearly.

Anyways getting back to the formula for the good life and this is basically what I live my life by. I know if I can nail all 3, I will have the GOOD life

1. Your Health. Its imperative guys that you look after your health. Unfortunately lot of people in our world dig their graves with their teeth. I MUST be healthy because my I want to be healthy and fit for my son. He is a live wire and I want to be able to play with him and really have an active part in his youth. You see, when you want to do something, make it bigger than yourself. Make it bigger than you. This gives you way power. Adopt this attitude in everything you do especially in your business and health carers. We must do whats necessary, not whats comfortable. When you make it about something else or someone else, your mission becomes so much more powerful. Remember this when you are finding it hard to do something. Think of WHY you are doing this.

2. Your Family and Friendships. Again going back to my last point, you need to have a real WHY (purpose) when you embark on achieving something huge. Having my Family behind me gives me eternal and unlimited power. You see, one can only go so far when he/she is doing it for themselves. I want to also tie this point into your close ones, the foundation you are going to setup etc. There must be a reason why you are doing what you are doing. When there is, help shows up from everywhere because its all about the mission and your mission is not about you but about something far bigger. Family and Love though gives you Focus. And we Human Beings are creatures of thought. So when a mind is focused, he automatically attracts what he/she focuses on.

3. Your Wealth. Whatever may be in said in praise of poverty, one can’t live a truly fulfilling life unless one has wealth. I truly believe this. And let me say to you today something that may or may not been said to you before. The best thing you can do in your life is to become the very best you can be. Is it not true to say that you can help more people and become a better person if you are wealthy?. Wealth will merely show me who you are. Wealth make more or less of someone. If you are selfish inclined, you will become more selfish when you encounter riches. If you are a generous person, you will truly show that when you become rich. You will never outgrow your self image. How do you see yourself ?. Be truthful and tell me now how successful do you see (your name) ???. If you desire riches, you must see yourself first in possession of them. Start Dreaming of the person you are going to become. Again I repeat and this is so important, its impossible for you to outgrow your self image. How do you see yourself?. I sincerely hope you see yourself as a millionaire. Dream your lifestyle, Dream what you want to do with your life when you have Financial Freedom. See yourself actually doing the things you want to do. This will boost your self image immensely

Until The next message My Friend and Remember Everything and All you need is inside of you. You are more than capable of completing what you want to do. What I find works for me when I want to complete something is the following question ” What do I need to do to make this happen.”

Ask yourself this question today and write down the answers

Jack Foley – Want help with your network marketing efforts?. Let me take you by the hand and show you success. What you get with me is a …