by admin | Jan 18, 2011 | Living the Good Life Articles
Jackie enjoyed great success in sales until the economy tanked, and she watched her commissions shrink. Jackie drove an fancy car, ate at expensive restaurants and spent heavily on entertainment. She enjoyed looking good and liked buying the latest fashions. She saw...
by admin | Jan 16, 2011 | Healthy Living Articles
The benefits of Health and wellness are topics that everyone is talking about these days. But, only a few will actually benefit from a healthy and physically fit lifestyle.People who eat healthy and work out will have the benefits of a great bodies and are more...
by admin | Jan 9, 2011 | Healthy Living Articles
The fact that you’re considering joining a gym (or are changing gyms) is an indication that you’re motivated to exercise and are on course to reaching your fitness goals, so CONGRATULATIONS! Finding the proper gym for you is a very important step, which...
by admin | Jan 1, 2011 | Living the Good Life Articles
Many people would love to be able to work form home so that they could be close to there family and not have to worry about fighting traffic everyday. It is important that you know that there are jobs that you can do from the comfort from your own home. You can make a...
by admin | Dec 29, 2010 | Living the Good Life Articles
“Get me out of debt!” This is the one statement that probably everyone is crying on a daily basis who are in any type of credit card debt. Why is this? It’s because things can get very irritating for someone who is in credit card debt. Collection...