We are what we think
All that we are arises
With our thoughts
With our thoughts
We make our worlds.
– Budha.
The first law of success is first within then without. Therefore every creation of man including wealth begins in form of thought process. Wealth building begins with our thoughts. A man creates nothing which he does not first conceive in his thought. Whatsoever we think about in our minds regarding wealth building becomes our reality. Whatever it is that dominates our thought daily often becomes our lot. If we fill our minds with thoughts of poverty, it will become our reality. If it is the thought of wealth that we allow to dominate our minds it will eventually become our reality. Whatever thought you allow to dominate your mind eventually materialize in your life. Your thoughts are therefore the most powerful influence in your life. You should therefore follow me on a journey that will make this clearer to you.
Napoleon Hill in his classic Think and Grow Rich, said “Thoughts are things.” To him, whatever you desire if you allow that the thought to dominate your mind, you will acquire. If you therefore desire wealth and allow the thought of wealth to dominate your mind, you shall acquire wealth. So is success. Anything you desire, just allow the thought of that thing to dominate your mind and take action about it, you shall acquire it. When you dominate your mind with thoughts about wealth, you become wealth conscious and aware about wealth. Fortune gravitate to those whose minds have been prepared for it. Conservatively, poverty is attracted to those whose minds have been prepared for it.
Harv Eker in his book, “The Secret Psychology of Wealth” talked about having the internal capacity to to create, hold and manage money. By internal capacity is meant our thought process. Without the requisite internal capacity you cannot create wealth. He therefore went on to talk about the “Process of Manifestation” which is very critical in the creation of wealth. This process is referred to as
T – Thoughts which leads to…
F – Feelings (desire) which leads to…
A – Actions which leads to…
R – Results (wealth or poverty).
There is something called the tree of wealth. On this tree are fruits (results). The fruits that we see on the tree are brought by the seed or the root. The seeds and the root are our thoughts while the fruits or result is wealth or poverty. Therefore if we dominate our minds with the thoughts of wealth, it will lead to the feelings or desire for wealth. It is this desire or feelings for wealth that will propel us to take action to create wealth or in wealth acquisition. On the other hand if the thought is dominated by poverty, it will us to action which leads to failure and consequently product.
We are therefore going to end this piece with the words of Ayn Rand who said “Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.” To build wealth therefore you require to change your thought process to that of wealth consciousness, if not you cannot create wealth.
If you really want to accumulate wealth, you have to change your thinking about wealth. If you do not, you will not accumulate wealth. Unless your thought is dominated by wealth you will not know how to accumulate it.
Napoleon Jackson –
About the Author:
You should therefore take a few minutes from your time to read page two of this article to discover how to avoid thinking yourself into poverty.